Choral Speaking

PCGPHS’s annual Choral Speaking Competition, organized by the Academic Department and English department, is a highly anticipated event that aims to promote the use of the English language while encouraging participants to speak in unison.

This competition showcases the talents of students in delivering synchronized speeches or poems, fostering teamwork and linguistic skills among the participants. Through the art of choral speaking, students not only improve their language proficiency but also learn the importance of collaboration and unity in delivering a powerful performance.

The event serves as a platform for students to showcase their creativity, confidence, and linguistic abilities, making it a memorable and impactful experience for all involved.

P.s. A special thanks to the English Language Society and S3 students for helping out in making this event a success.

Junior Level Category

1st – JZ3

2nd – JC1

3rd – JC3

Senior Level Category

1st – SC2

2nd – SZ1